Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Queens Jubilee images - Street party & doors

Sun 3 Jun was our street party to celebrate the Queens Jubilee (60yrs on the throne), we had decorated our doors and had a street party organised.
Well, as expected, we had torrential rain throughout the day and nearly everyone got soaked and had to change clothes at least once; it was despite that a fun time with good food, drink and pleasant company.
I managed to take photos despite the rain and the D700 did a great job (took 12hrs to dry out the kit afterwards but good old Nikon, keeps working).
Only in the UK would we get so many people stood outside in torrential rain getting soaking wet yet still laughing and joking - True Brits one and all!

These are some of the decorated doors:

These are images from the street party - very wet people but still with smiles!

We had a parade in town on Sat 4th so I grabbed a couple of images to capture the moment.