Friday, 25 October 2019

Bath wanderings

We were back in Bath yesterday as Sheila had some business to conduct, while she was doing that I had time to walk and grab some photos (took just the tiny Sony RX100).

I wanted to avoid too many photos of main shopping areas and covered well over 4 miles outside of the central areas.

We had rain all the way down there but it dried out and stayed dry as the day went on.

I tried the Panorma function on the camera for a photo of the Royal Crescent and it works well.

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

The streets in Cheltenham

We were back in Cheltenham yesterday and I had some time to walk and take some street photos.

A couple of new artworks that I had not seen before as well as some classic work but all good subject matter and the dry weather helped. All taken with the Sony RX100.

Monday, 21 October 2019

Local countryside

I was out today getting some fresh air and trying to shake off this dreaded "Lurgy" so took a walk through the countryside and by the lakes.

Travelled very light and took just the tiny Sony RX100 and once again it delivered some superb images with lovely tones and textures.

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Black and white street

We had a very short trip to Oxford last week and I travelled light with just the RX100.

I grabbed some street shots near where we were and then yesterday I took some images of our local streets before having to head home and avoid the rain.

The RX100 even though a tiny camera delivers some superb images and is a joy to use when a larger camera is not practical or desireable.


Local Streets

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

Cirencester MOP Fair

We had the annual MOP fair on Monday, it is an age old tradition and now offers fairground attractions for all the community to enjoy.

Dating back to the 12th century, the Mop Fair takes its name from its original purpose, which was a hiring event, where servants carried the tools of their trade to show that they were available for work. In recent times Mop Fairs have become funfair for the community to enjoy. Marshal Nichols' family have been bringing the Mop to Cirencester for generations and has worked closely with the Town Council to deliver the Mop each year.

These are some photos I took on Monday evening.