I have recently updated the firmware to 1.21 and find the AF is better in both standard and macro shooting.
This camera never ceases to amaze me with the quality of image it produces and the lens is razor sharp.
These are 3 Macro images all taken hand held and AF was fast and accurate.
These are 3 images converted to B&W using Silver Efex Pro.
These are some images from today (Sun 15 Apr) - we had some really interesting sky.
Used the X100 to shoot some photos of my beautiful daughter dressed in patriotic clothes for a poster, really pleased with the images.
I wanted to capture some images that reflected building shapes / lines rather than people shots and included the colour in the last to add a subtle balance
A recent business trip to the Peak District when the weather was bad allowed me to get these images
We had a heavy downfall of snow last night / this morning and managed to get to work but they sent us all home early for safety reasons, I stopped by some water on the way back then later went into the park to capture some snow scenes - again the X100 excelled.
Cirencester Park in the snow
We have been dog sitting for a week and I took a couple of days off work to do some work with the dog, snow still around turning to slush but presents good photo opportunities.
And now the snow has gone - the rain is back!
An HDR from single image
Some street shots from yesterday
Good Friday May 29 2013 - very cold and dull
Saw this lovely old car in front so had to grab the shot