Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Bath streets and Christmas market

We went to Bath yesterday to have a look at the Christmas market and finish off some festive shopping and while Sheila finished her last little bit of shopping and looked around the markets, I was able to capture some photos of some of the stalls and around the streets.

Crowded is not the right word - even the Park and Ride was full to capacity but we did manage to park and get into the city and join the crowds.

It was a great atmosphere and everyone was in a festive mood and happy.

It was an enjoyable afternoon.

Sunday, 26 November 2017

The old machinery on a fine but chilly day

I was out at the lakes this afternoon as I wanted to get some fresh air and some photos of the old quarry equipment slowly rusting away in the open.

It was chilly but fresh and the sky was nice with some sunshine and clouds that changed with the wind speed at altitude.