I wanted to try the G9 out at a circuit and see how it coped and to use centre spot in AFC mode.
It was a very dry hot day (by UK standards) so we had a lot of heat haze for longer shots and the 100-400mm was just a little too long for certain areas so I had to do a fair amount of walking to try and find good vantage points to use the lens effectively.
I did also have the D500+300mm with me and used that later on for some photos and to compare the efficiency of the AFC - absolutely no doubt, the D500 has a far superior AFC / tracking capability than the G9 even though the G9 did deliver some images I am pleased with - I know I still need to get used to the G9 and it is a superb camera.
The images below are from both cameras from the day.
Panasonic G9 + 100-400mm
Nikon D500 + 300mm PF
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